LK Automation Limited LK Automation Limited
Brand: OMRON | MITSUBISHI | Proface | Mennekes | Yaskawa
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Brand: OMRON
Name: Terminal Block Covers
Model: C200H-COV03
Short protection for 10-pin terminal block (package of 10 covers). 12 pts.

Model: C200H-B7A21.
I/O points: 16 output points and 16 input points or 15 input points + 1 error
Weight: 300g max.Name: Motion Control Module .
Model: C200H-MC221.
Number of I/O words: 20 (2 slots).
External connecting devices: IBM PC/AT or compatible, Teaching Box, and MPG (manual pulse generator) OMRON C200H-COV03.
Controlled driver: Servodrivers that can handle analog inputsModel: C200H-MD215 C200H-COV03
No. of I/O pts: 16 inputs, 16 outputs.
Specifications: 24VDC.Name: Heat/Cool Temperature Control Module.
Model: C200H-TV101.
Sensor: Platinum resistance thermometer: JPt100, Pt100.
Control output: Transistor output.Model: C200H-IA221.
No. of inputs: 8 pts.
Input voltage: 200 to 240 VAC, +10%/–15%.
Input current: 10mA, 200VAC OMRON C200H-COV03.
Isolation: Photo-coupler.
Indica-tor: LED.
External connec-tions: Remove-able termi-nal blocks.
Inputs percom-mon: 8 pts.
Internal currentcon-sump-tion: Model: C200H-CN221.
Cable length: 200cm.Model: C200H-OD216.
No. of points: 8 pts.
Specifications: 0.8 A, 24 VDC. source type (PNP). with load short protection.ID Sensor Units
The ID Sensor Unit is a non-contact ID system that unifies product, production, and control data, and provides for efficient production of different products in varying quantities OMRON C200H-COV03. A separate catalog is available providing information aboutC200HS-CPU01-E CPU
High Performance, Small Rack Style
The C200HS-CPU01-E and C200HS-CPU03-E controllers offer some of the same basic functionality as models C200H-CPU21-E/CPU23-E OMRON Terminal Block Covers.
These controllers have added capabilities ideally suited for high speed machine control,
which includes larger memory,
larger instruction set,
and increased speed OMRON Terminal Block Covers. Model: C200H-OA222V.
No. of points: 12 pts.
Specifications: 0.3A, 250VAC.Model: C200H-ID215.
No. of inputs: 32 pts.
Specifications: 24VDC.C200H-CPU01-E/C200H-CPU03-E CPUs
High Spec, Small Rack Style,
OEM Version The C200H-CPU01-E and C200H-CPU03-E controllers offer big machine functions in a system designed ideally for basic OEM systems from 50 to 480 I/O OMRON Terminal Block Covers.
A wide variety of plug-in style I/O modules are availaable,
including intelligent modules C200H-COV03. UM: 31.2K words.
DM: 6K words.
EM: 6Kx3 banks(18K) words.
Instruction processing time (basic instructions): 0.1 µ.s min.
No. of I/O points: 880 points.
Max. no.of con-necting Expansion I/OO Racks: 2 Racks OMRON C200H-COV03.
Max. no. of connecting High-density I/O Units(i.e., Group-2): Unavailable.
Max. no. of con-necting Special I/O Units: 10.
RS-232C: NO.

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