Model : CVM1-PRO01-V1.
Position Control Unit (NC222) for.
Model : CVM1D-DPL01.
Simplex system also required.The unit comes with coaxial type.Model : CVM1-DRM21-V1.
CVM1/CV series for.Model: C500-CN523.
Cable length: 5 m.
Programming Console Connecting Cable.
For extension and connection of FIT of FIT.
C500-AD/3G2A5-AD Special I/O Unit Analog Input C500-AD006(3G2A5-AD006) OMRON CVM1-PRO01-V1.
Input: 4 pts.
Specification: +1~+5V、4~20mA.C500-ID Special I/O Unit ID Sensor Unit For the C500-IDS22 C500-IDA22
CVM1-PRO01-V1C1000H-CP CPU 62 k words 1024 pts C1000H-CPU01-EV1.SPACER FOR II101 C500-SP001C500-RT SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Master Slave Wired C500-RT002-PV1.
APF/PCF.With two optical connectorsModel : C500-BP001.
Optional extension cable is necessary..Model: C500-AE001(3G2A5-AE001) OMRON CVM1-PRO01-V1.
Output line driver converts the input open-collector output incremental encoder form, taking the position control unit.Model: C500-CN231.
Cable length: 20 m.
Programming Console Connecting Cable.
For extension and connection of FIT of FIT.
OMRON PID Module C500-PID01(3G2A5-PID01-E)C500-CP Special I/O Unit Cam Positioner Unit C500-CP131.I/O capacity: 2.048 pts (6, 144 max. with remote I/O) OMRON CVM1-PRO01-V1.
Execution time: Basic: 0.125 µs min.Special: 0.5 µs min.
The unit comes with coaxial type.I/O Interface UnitC500-NC Special I/O Unit Position Control For pulse motors 2 axes C500-NC211.C500-OA I/O Unit Triac Output 16 pts C500-OA222(3G2A5-OA222) OMRON Teaching Box.
AC132V 1A.C500-DA Special I/O Unit Analog Output C500-DA101.
Output: 4 pts.
Specification: +1~+5V、0~+10V、4~20mA OMRON Teaching Box. Model: C500-BC082(3G2A5-BC082).
8 slots(5 linkable slots).
C500-ID I/O Unit DC Input 64 pts C500-ID212(3G2A5-ID212).
DC24V 10mA.Model: C500-BC091(3G2A5-BC091).
8 slots(6 linkable slots).
C500-OD I/O Unit Transistor Output 32 pts C500-OD415CN(3G2A5-OD415CN).
DC12~48V 0.3A.Model : CV500-CN228 OMRON Teaching Box.
BASIC for connecting the unit ← → FIT10 (2m).No. of I/O slotts: 11 slots CVM1-PRO01-V1. Model : CV500-CPU01-EV1.
SFC / Ladder 512 (with RAM30K words, the top internal link).C500-DA/3G2A5-DA Special I/O Unit Analog Output C500-DA001(3G2A5-DA001).
Output: 2 pts.
Specification: +1~+5V、4~20mA.Model : C5000-LK201-V1 OMRON CVM1-PRO01-V1.
RS-232C/RS-422.CV500-RT SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Unit (wired) CV500-RT221.