Model: C200H-ME832.
No. of I/O slots: 5 slots.C200HS-CPU23-E CPU
High Performance, Small Rack Style, Built-in RS-232C Port
The C200HS-CPU21-E and C200HS-CPU23-E controllers offer some of the same basic functionality as models C200H-CPU01-E/CPU03-E.
These controllers have the added capabilities ideally suited for high speed machine control,
which includes larger memory,
larger instruction set,
and increased speed OMRON C200H-ME832
C200H-ME832 Name: High-speed Counter Module.
Model: C200H-CT021.
Number of axes: 2 axis/Unit.
Operating modes: 7.
High-speed Counter Unit
A High-speed Counter Unit counts input signals from incremental rotary encoders or other sources.Name: Temperature Control Module.
Model: C200H-TC102.
Sensor: Platinum resistance thermometer: JPt100 Pt100 OMRON C200H-ME832.
Control output: Voltage output.Model: C200H-OD218.
No. of points: 32 pts.
Specifications: nit 4.5 VDC, 16 mA to 26.4 VDC, 100 mA. .
Weight: 180g max.Includes a Fuzzy Training System Manual,
a Main Unit, a C200H-MR831 Memory Unit,
a C200H-PRO27-E Programming Console,
a C200H-CN222 Cable for the Programming Console,
C500-SU981-E Fuzzy Training Software,
an RS-232C Cable, and a carrying belt OMRON C200H-ME832. For 8-slot Backplane.Model: C200H-OA222V.
No. of points: 12 pts.
Specifications: 0.3A, 250VAC.Model: C200H-IA222V.
No. of inputs: 16 pts.
Input voltage: 200 to 240 VAC, +10%/–15%.
Input current: 10mA, 200VAC OMRON EEPROM Memory Cassette.
Isolation: Photo-coupler.
Indica-tor: LED.
External connec-tions: Remove-able termi-nal blocks.
Inputs percom-mon: 16 pts.
Internal currentcon-sump-tiModel: C200H-ID501 OMRON EEPROM Memory Cassette.
No. of inputs: 32 pts.
Specifications: 5 VDC.ASCII Unit
This program runs independently from the ladder-diagram program in the PLC.
Name: ASCII Module.
Model: C200H-ASC21.
Communications port>Port 1: RS-232C(peripheral device or termi-nal connection).
Communications port>Port 2: RS-422A/485(peripheral C200HW Communications Interface Module C200HW-PRT21C200HS-CPU21-E CPU
High Perrformance, Small Rack Style, Built-in RS-232C Port
The C200HS-CPU21-E and C200HS-CPU23-E controllers offer some of the same basic functionality as models C200H-CPU01-E/CPU03-E OMRON EEPROM Memory Cassette C200H-ME832.
These controllers havve the added capabilities ideally suited for high speed machine control,
which includes larger memory,
larger instruction set,
and increased speed OMRON C200H-ME832.