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Home >> Search: K3FK-SF
OMRON K3FK-SF-5W4-H [Price]
K3FK-SF-5W4-H Control output 1: relay output. Control output 2:--. Auxiliary output: 2 independen
OMRON K3FK-SF-5S-R [Price]
K3FK-SF-5S-R Select from a wide variety of Temperature Sensors according, to the temperature to be
OMRON K3FK-SF-5S-H [Price]
K3FK-SF-5S-H Micro design and unique combination of soft sensing. LED has five colors (red, yellow
OMRON K3FK-SF-4A-H [Price]
K3FK-SF-4A-H Excellent illumination with even surface brightness. Three-color models (green, oran
OMRON K3FK-SF-4A-C [Price]
K3FK-SF-4A-C Standard Sensors for detecting ferrous metals. Wide array of variations. Ideal for a
OMRON K3FK-SF-44-H [Price]
K3FK-SF-44-H Select from a wide variety of Temperature Sensors according, to the temperature to be
OMRON K3FK-SF-44-G [Price]
K3FK-SF-44-G Detect three-phase AC current for under and/or overcur, rent using current converter.
OMRON K3FK-SF-3A-H [Price]
K3FK-SF-3A-H MS/MSF4800B Basic Series, Features all necessary basic Safety Light Curtain functions
K3FK-SF Appearance: M18. Sensing distance: 10 mm. Connection method: M12 Connector Models . Cabl
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